Sep 8, 2020

Corona Virus Control in Pakistan, Experts Baffled

Currently, the world is grappling with the coronavirus pandemic, but in Pakistan, the situation has improved significantly. According to the Times of India, daily cases exceeded 6,000 until mid-June, but by September, this number had dropped to fewer than 300.

For the first time in five months, Sindh reported no coronavirus-related deaths. Pakistan has recorded a total of 297,512 cases and 6,335 deaths, far below the feared death toll of 80,000 by last August. Additionally, 282,268 patients have recovered, leaving the current active cases at 8,909. In contrast, India has reported over four million cases.

India is now the third hardest-hit country in the world, following the United States and Brazil. The single-digit daily death toll in Pakistan has puzzled experts. One contributing factor could be Pakistan’s average age of 22 years, indicating a predominantly young population, whereas the virus has a more severe impact on older individuals.

For comparison, Italy, with an average age of 46.5 years, has reported over 35,000 deaths despite its smaller population. India’s death toll stands at 69,561. Even after a year, the risk of the virus spreading in densely populated areas remains high.

The age group most affected by the coronavirus is between 35 and 45 years. Experts attribute Pakistan's success in controlling the epidemic to concrete measures, including an effective testing and tracing system and the provision of quarantine facilities for patients.

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