Mar 7, 2015

Practical Application of Apical Dominance

The practical application of apical dominance has been recognized for its significant role in tap root development, as well as its potential in horticulture and everyday gardening practices.

For instance, applying synthetic auxin to potato tubers effectively inhibits the sprouting of lateral buds (eyes), resulting in an extended storage period of potatoes from one year to three years. In addition, the technique of "pinching off" stem tips to promote lateral branching, commonly used in plants like Coleus and Christmas trees, enhances their fullness and bushiness.

Furthermore, growth correlation is evident in fruits and flowers as well. Thinning of fruits leads to the remaining fruits growing larger in size, while removing all buds except one can result in the development of a single, much larger flower, as seen in Chrysanthemums. This delicate balance between vegetative and reproductive parts of the plant is crucial during growth and development.

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