Nov 30, 2014

Locomotion in Protoctista and Invertebrates

Locomotion in Euglena

Euglena is a very active micro-organism and moves at a great speed. Movement is caused by the lashing movement of the long flagellum against the surrounding water. The flagellum is present at the anterior end of the organism. The whipping action of the flagellum causes it to rotate and at the same time move forward. The flagellum has 9+2 arrangement of the fibrils. Five fibrils will contract simultaneously to bend flagellum, and then four fibrils will contract simultaneously to straighten the flagellum.

Locomotion in Euglena

Euglena is able to change its direction by the active contractile myonemes which run along the length of its body. When the myonemes contract the shape of the body is changed as well as its direction. The movement displayed by Euglena is known as euglenoid movement.

Locomotion in Paramecium 

Locomotion in Paramecium

Paramecium moves about at a great speed. It moves with the help of cilia and it is called ciliary movement. Alt the cilia do not move simultaneously, a bunch of cilia move in a progressive wave like manner at a time. The wave starts at the anterior end and progresses in the backward. The body of the Paramecium rotates on its axis while it moves forward. Paramecium is able to make turns and can also move backwards by changing the direction of movement of its cilia.

Structure of cilia: Cilia are short, fine thread like extensions of the cell membrane. The length of the cilia ranges from many microns to many hundred microns and the diameter varies in from 0.1 to 0.5 micrometer. A cilium consists of series of continuous fibers which run longitudinally through the entire cilium. There are nine peripheral fibers, each made of two sub-fibers joined together to form a double and two central fibers. The 9 + 2 fibers are made of microtubule. The fibrils are covered by the extension of cell membrane.

Mechanism of movement: In 1955 Bradford suggested that movement of cilia is due to sliding of double fibrils in two groups one after the other.

(a) Effective stroke: Five out of nine double fibrils contract or slide simultaneously.

As a result cilium bents or shortens. It is called effective stroke.

(b) Recovery stroke: Four out of nine double fibrils contract and cilium becomes straight. It is called recovery stroke. As a result of this Paramecium swims against water.

Energy: The energy for ciliary movement is provided by ATP. The enzyme ATP-ase, splits ATP and stops ciliary action.

Locomotion in Amoeba

Co-ordination: The cilia are coordinated. Thousands of cilia beat together to move the animal in a direction.

Locomotion in Amoeba

Movement in Amoeba takes place by means of pseudopodia. The formation of pseudopodium is initiated by a local weakening in plasmagel (hyaline ectoplasm). The outer motionless part of endoplasm of pseudopodium is formed when the plasmasol (the inner moving portion of endoplasm) begins to flow in to the weakening region as a result of the contraction of elastic plasmagel. This contraction of plasmagel is believed due to the osmotic forces. As the plasmasol flows out in the form of an extension, its sides are actually changing into gel, forming a sort of plasmagel tube along which the stream of plasmasol (endoplasmic stream) can grow. At the so called posterior end it changes into plasmasol and plasmasol flows forward. Thus the remaining bulk of body of Amoeba is able to change position. This type of movement is called amoeboid movement.

Locomotion in Jellyfish

Jelly fish has an umbrella like body called bell. The water enters the bell then the animal closes the umbrella and the bell contracts to force out water in a jet. As a result animal moves in upward direction. This types of movement is known as jet propulsion.

Locomotion in Jellyfish

Locomotion in Earthworm

The organ of locomotion is setae or bristles. Setae are present externally on each segment. The setae of the posterior part become extended and become attached to the soil. The longitudinal muscles of the body wall are then relaxed and circular muscles are contracted. As a result anterior part moves forward over the surface of soil. Then the setae of the anterior part extend and hold the soil surface, and setae of the posterior part are withdrawn. Now the circular muscles relax and longitudinal muscles contract, due to which the posterior part of the body is drawn forward. The posterior region is again fixed and the anterior region is extended forward and the whole process is repeated. So an earthworm shows an accordion like movement.

Locomotion in Earthworm

Locomotion in Cockroach

Cockroach has three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings.

Walking: In walking the legs of one side are used. The foreleg pulls the body forwards and hind leg pushes it in the same direction. The middle leg of the opposite side acts as prop. The remaining three legs begin to move together and the process is repeated. For movement of legs antagonistic pair of muscles are used.

Flying: The posterior pair of wings bring about the flight. These beat in air in such a manner that they support the body weight and drive it through the air.

Locomotion in Cockroach

Locomotion in Snail

Snails crawl or move very slowly by the muscular foot.

Locomotion in Starfish

Locomotion is performed by tube feet which are alternatively attached and released from the substratum. In the direction of movement one or two arms are raised. The sucker contracts with the help of circular muscles, as a result of this, tube feet elongate and project towards and adhere firmly to the substratum by vacuum action of the sucker. The tube feet take a vertical posture with the help of muscular activity. As a result the body is dragged forward. Then the tube feet contract with the help of longitudinal muscles and forces some water back to their ampullae. Then the sucker releases their hold from the substratum. 

Locomotion in Starfish

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