Dec 23, 2011

The Role of Cell-Mediated Immunity

Cell-mediated immunity is a type of immunity where the entire cell is involved in the attack against microorganisms. Unlike humoral immunity, which involves the release of antibodies into fluids, cell-mediated immunity is carried out by T cells that do not release antibodies.


The Role of Humoral Response

Humoral immunity, on the other hand, involves the release of antibodies by B cells into blood plasma, tissue fluid, and lymph. The attack on microorganisms occurs in the fluid, hence the term "humoral" as "humor" refers to fluid. B cell antibodies are responsible for attacking bacteria and some viruses.


The Immune System's Memory

The immune system has memory cells, which are divided into two types: memory cells and effector cells (also known as plasma cells). Effector cells, or plasma cells, secrete a large number of antibody molecules into blood, tissue fluid, and lymph, but they have a short lifespan of only a few days. On the other hand, memory cells survive for longer periods of time and enable a rapid response to any future infection.


The Importance of Memory Cells

Memory cells play a crucial role in providing immunity against subsequent infections. If a person is exposed to the same antigen again, the memory cells stimulate the production of a large quantity of antibodies, resulting in a rapid and heightened immune response called the secondary response. The secondary response is greater and faster than the primary response to the initial infection, as the population of memory cells is larger than the original population of B cells. This phenomenon is the basis of vaccination and booster doses, where each exposure to an antigen leads to a more efficient immune response.


Types of Immunity: Active and Passive

Immunity can be classified as either active or passive, and both can be acquired naturally or artificially. Artificially providing immunity is known as immunization.

 Natural Active Immunity

Natural active immunity is acquired through exposure to an infection, where the body produces its own antibodies against the infectious agent. Memory cells formed during the first exposure to the antigen enable the production of a large quantity of antibodies upon subsequent exposure, resulting in a highly effective and long-lasting immune response that can persist for a lifetime.

Artificial Active Immunity (Vaccination)

Artificial active immunity, also known as vaccination, is achieved by injecting small amounts of antigen, called a vaccine, into the body. This stimulates the body to produce antibodies against the antigen. Booster injections may be given to enhance the production of antibodies, resulting in long-lasting protection against the disease. Different types of vaccines are available, including toxoids, killed organisms, live attenuated organisms, and new vaccines developed using modern molecular biology and genetic engineering techniques.

Passive Immunity

Passive immunity involves the transfer of antibodies from one individual to another, providing immediate protection against infection. Unlike active immunity, which takes time to develop, passive immunity provides immediate but temporary protection as the antibodies are gradually broken down by the body's natural processes.

Natural Passive Immunity

Natural passive immunity can be acquired when antibodies from a mother cross the placenta and enter the fetus, providing protection until the baby's immune system is fully functional. Passive immunity can also be provided through colostrum, the first secretion of the mammary glands, which contains antibodies that are absorbed by the baby through its gut.

Artificial Passive Immunity

Artificial passive immunity involves the direct administration of pre-formed antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, from a donor to an individual in need of immediate protection against a particular pathogen. These antibodies are typically harvested from human donors or produced through recombinant DNA technology, and they can be purified and concentrated for therapeutic use.

Artificial passive immunity can be used in various situations, including:

Post-exposure prophylaxis: When an individual has been exposed to a particular infectious disease, such as rabies or hepatitis B, artificial passive immunity can be administered to provide immediate protection while the individual's own immune system mounts a response. This can be especially critical in cases where the disease has a short incubation period and may progress rapidly.

 Treatment of immunodeficient individuals: Individuals with weakened or compromised immune systems, such as those with primary immunodeficiency disorders or undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, may benefit from artificial passive immunity to help prevent or treat infections.

Prevention of certain diseases: Artificial passive immunity can also be used for prophylaxis in situations where individuals are at high risk of exposure to a particular pathogen, such as healthcare workers dealing with patients infected with highly contagious diseases.

Treatment of certain diseases: Some diseases, such as certain autoimmune disorders, may be treated with artificial passive immunity to help modulate the immune response and reduce disease severity.

It's important to note that artificial passive immunity provides temporary protection, as the transferred antibodies eventually break down and are eliminated from the body. It does not confer long-term immunity, as is the case with active immunity achieved through vaccination or natural infection. However, artificial passive immunity can be a valuable tool in certain situations where immediate protection is needed or in individuals who are unable to mount an effective immune response on their own.

New Vaccines: Modern Approaches to Vaccine Design

Advancements in molecular biology and genetic engineering have opened up new possibilities for vaccine design. One alternative approach is to synthesize antigens artificially from amino acids once their amino acid sequences are known. This allows for precise control over the antigenic properties of the vaccine, leading to potentially more effective and safer vaccines.

Passive Immunity

Passive immunity involves the transfer of antibodies from one individual to another, providing immediate protection against infection. Unlike active immunity, which takes time to build up, passive immunity provides rapid but temporary protection as the transferred antibodies are broken down by the body's natural processes over time.

Natural Passive Immunity

Passive immunity can occur naturally, such as when antibodies from a mother cross the placenta and enter her fetus, providing protection until the baby's own immune system is fully functional. Colostrum, the first secretion of the mammary glands, can also provide passive immunity as the baby absorbs antibodies through its gut.

Artificial Passive Immunity

Artificial passive immunity involves extracting antibodies from one individual and injecting them into the blood of another individual, which may or may not be of the same species. This can be used for immediate protection if a person has been or is likely to be exposed to a particular disease. For example, specific antibodies used for combating tetanus and diphtheria used to be cultured in horses and injected into humans, but now only antibodies of human origin are used for humans. Antibodies against rabies and some snake venoms are also available, as well as antibodies against the human rhesus blood group antigen used for some rhesus.

Concluding all of the above, the immune system is a complex network of cells and molecules that work together to protect the body from harmful microorganisms. Cell-mediated immunity involves T cells, which do not release antibodies but play a crucial role in defending against intracellular pathogens. Humoral immunity, on the other hand, involves B cells that release antibodies into the blood, tissue fluid, and lymph, providing defense against extracellular pathogens. The immune system also has a memory, with memory cells enabling a rapid and efficient response to future infections. Immunity can be acquired naturally through exposure to infections or artificially through vaccination. Passive immunity provides immediate but temporary protection through the transfer of antibodies, either naturally from mother to fetus or artificially through the injection of antibodies. Advancements in vaccine design continue to improve the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, offering promising prospects for the prevention and control of infectious diseases.

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