Jan 9, 2015

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a major concern in today's world, especially for young adults. They are caused by organisms that range from viruses to arthropods. Among them, only gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS, and genital herpes are discussed here. Let's take a closer look at each of these diseases.

Gonorrhea is caused by the gram-positive bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It is transmitted through direct or sexual contact. There is no blood test to diagnose gonorrhea, but typical symptoms in males include pain upon urination and a thick, greenish-yellow discharge from the urethra. Infection during childbirth can lead to an eye infection that may result in blindness. In rare cases, gonorrhea can spread to internal parts of the body, causing heart damage or arthritis. Antibiotics such as penicillin or tetracycline are used to treat gonorrhea.

Syphilis is caused by a spirochete bacterium called Treponema pallidum. It has three stages separated by latent periods. In the primary stage, a hard chancre appears, which is an ulcerated sore with hard edges. In the secondary stage, a rash appears all over the body. During the tertiary stage, syphilis can affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems. It can damage reproductive organs, eyes, bones, joints, central nervous system, heart, and skin. Sexual contact is the major source of transmission. Syphilis is a very devastating disease, and control depends on prompt and adequate treatment with antibiotic therapy.

AIDS is caused by a virus called the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It attacks the type of lymphocyte known as helper T cells, which stimulate the activities of B lymphocytes that produce antibodies. Once infected, the person becomes more susceptible to other types of infections as helper T cells begin to decline in number. AIDS has three stages of infection called category A, B, and C. Symptoms of AIDS include weight loss, night sweats, fever, diarrhea, and nervous disorders. AIDS is transmitted by sexual contact with an infected person, through infected dental equipment, used needles, shaving blades, and through transfusion of infected blood or blood clotting factors. Medicine like AZT is used to cure AIDS. The best way to prevent AIDS is to practice safe sex.

Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. It is transmitted through sexual contact, causing infection of the genitalia. It produces genital soreness and ulcers in the infected areas. Exposure to herpes in females can cause an infection in the newborn, leading to neurological disorders, damage to the eye, and even death. Currently, there is no cure for herpes, but antiviral medication can help reduce the severity and frequency of outbreaks.

It is important for students to be aware of the risks and consequences associated with sexually transmitted diseases. Prevention is key, and students should practice safe sex and get tested regularly to protect themselves and their partners. Education is the first step in fighting the spread of STDs, and students should be encouraged to learn about these diseases and how they can protect themselves.

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