Nov 30, 2014

Locomotion in Protoctista and Invertebrates

Locomotion is the ability of an organism to move from one place to another. Different organisms have evolved various mechanisms for movement, depending on their body structure and environment. In this article, we will explore the different methods of locomotion found in protoctista (unicellular organisms) and invertebrates (animals without a backbone). Understanding these movement mechanisms helps us appreciate the diversity of life and how organisms adapt to their surroundings.

Locomotion in Euglena

Euglena is a highly active microorganism that moves swiftly using a long whip-like structure called a flagellum, located at its anterior end. Movement occurs due to the lashing motion of the flagellum against water. This flagellum follows a 9+2 fibril arrangement, where five fibrils contract to bend the flagellum, and four fibrils contract to straighten it. This action propels Euglena forward in a rotating motion.

Additionally, Euglena can change its direction using contractile myonemes along its body. The contraction of these myonemes alters its shape and movement, a process known as euglenoid movement.

Locomotion in Euglena

Locomotion in Paramecium

Paramecium moves rapidly using numerous hair-like structures called cilia, a movement known as ciliary movement. The cilia do not move simultaneously; instead, they beat in a coordinated, wave-like manner. As the wave starts from the anterior end, the body rotates while moving forward.

Structure of Cilia

  • Cilia are fine thread-like extensions of the cell membrane.
  • Their length varies from a few microns to several hundred microns.
  • They consist of nine peripheral fibrils arranged in pairs (doublets) and two central fibrils, forming the 9+2 microtubule structure.

Mechanism of Ciliary Movement

  • Effective stroke: Five out of nine fibrils contract, bending the cilium.
  • Recovery stroke: Four fibrils contract, straightening the cilium.
  • The movement is powered by ATP and regulated by the enzyme ATP-ase.
  • Thousands of cilia beat together, coordinating movement.

Locomotion in Paramecium 

Locomotion in Amoeba

Amoeba moves using pseudopodia, which are temporary extensions of its cytoplasm. This type of movement is called amoeboid movement.


  1. Movement starts with local weakening in plasmagel (hyaline ectoplasm).
  2. The inner plasmasol (endoplasm) flows into the weakened region due to contraction of the elastic plasmagel.
  3. Osmotic forces drive this contraction.
  4. The bulk of the Amoeba’s body shifts forward, changing its position.

Locomotion in Amoeba

Locomotion in Jellyfish

Jellyfish move by a method called jet propulsion. Their body consists of an umbrella-like structure called a bell.


  1. Water enters the bell.
  2. The jellyfish contracts its bell, forcing water out in a jet-like motion.
  3. This pushes the jellyfish upwards.

Locomotion in Earthworm

Earthworms use setae (bristles) for movement, following an accordion-like motion.


  1. The setae in the posterior part attach to the soil.
  2. Circular muscles contract, pushing the anterior part forward.
  3. The anterior setae attach to the soil while the posterior setae are withdrawn.
  4. The longitudinal muscles contract, drawing the posterior part forward.
  5. The process repeats, allowing smooth crawling motion.
    Locomotion in Earthworm

Locomotion in Cockroach

Cockroaches use three pairs of legs for walking and two pairs of wings for flying.


  • The legs on one side move together.
  • The foreleg pulls the body forward, the hind leg pushes, and the middle leg acts as support.
  • The three remaining legs repeat this action, moving in coordination.
  • Antagonistic muscle pairs control movement.


  • The posterior pair of wings generates lift and thrust.
  • The wings beat in a specific manner to support body weight and propel it forward.
    Locomotion in Cockroach

Locomotion in Snail

Snails move very slowly using a muscular foot, which contracts in a wave-like motion, enabling crawling.

Locomotion in Starfish

Starfish use tube feet for movement, attaching and releasing from the surface in a coordinated manner.


  1. One or two arms are raised in the direction of movement.
  2. Suckers of tube feet attach to the surface using vacuum action.
  3. Circular muscles contract, elongating the tube feet and pulling the body forward.
  4. Longitudinal muscles contract, forcing water back into ampullae, releasing the suckers.
  5. The process repeats, allowing steady movement.
Locomotion in Starfish

So what we learned is:

Locomotion is a key characteristic of living organisms, allowing them to move in search of food, escape predators, and interact with their environment. From the flagellar motion of Euglena to the jet propulsion of jellyfish and the coordinated muscle contractions of earthworms, nature has developed diverse and efficient ways for organisms to travel. Understanding these mechanisms provides insight into the adaptability and survival strategies of different species.

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