Jun 6, 2015

Genetic Alterations: Unraveling Gene Mutations and Their Consequences

Gene Mutations: Decoding DNA Sequence Changes

Gene mutations manifest as alterations in the DNA nucleotide sequence. These shifts reshape codons, thus impacting the sequence of amino acids within a polypeptide.

Frame Shift Mutations: Reshaping Sequences

Frequently arising from nucleotide insertions or deletions within DNA, frame shift mutations yield entirely novel codon sequences, often resulting in nonfunctional protein formation.

Point Mutations: Precision Alterations

Point mutations involve the modification of a single nucleotide, leading to specific codon changes. An instance is the substitution of valine for glutamate in the hemoglobin beta chain, culminating in sickle cell disease. Such mutations can trigger enzyme deficiencies, affecting biochemical pathways like the incomplete conversion of homogentisic acid to 4 maleyacetoacetic acid, contributing to alkaptonuria.

Point Mutation

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